Monday, August 13, 2007

Enhance Explorer's Performance

  1. Go to Start>> Run. Type in: control folders {Enter] or press OK
  2. Select the view tab
  3. Modify the following settings:

Check the following:

  • Always show icons, never thumbnails
  • Display the contents of system folders
  • Show hidden files and folders

Uncheck the following:

  • Automatically search for network folders and printers
  • Hide extensions for known file types
  • Use Domain Folder Sharing Wizard


  1. Go back to Start, right click Computer, and select Properties
  2. Click the Advanced tab
  3. Under Performance, click Setting

Uncheck any of the following options:

  • Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing
  • Fade or slide menus into view
  • Fade or slide tooltips into view
  • Fade out menu items after clicking
  • Show shadows under menus
  • Slide open combo boxes
  • Slide taskbar buttons
  • Use a background image for each folder type
  1. Close the Performance Options & System Properties dialogs.

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