Thursday, August 7, 2008

How To Terminate Hung Or Frozen Applications Instantly In Vista.



How often have you wanted to kill hung or frozen programs instantly ? Sure you can kill it through the Task Manager, but that involves a couple of clicks ! Try this small but useful freeware utility ...


Coming Soon - The Vista Style Builder.

In the earlier days of Vista, creating custom Visual Styles was not as easy as it used to be on XP: binary files had to be hand-edited, usually by trial and error.
With Ave's Vista Style Builder there now is a fully fledged application for changing every aspect of a Vista Visual Style:
No more hex-editing binary files
Smart support for image import and export
Add or remove properties
Built-in documentation

Its release will be a big thing for Windows Vista style builders and will make creating styles very easy. So one can expect a lot af styles to be released for Vista. Source - AeroXP. But its not going to be freeware; unless ofcourse the publisher has a change of heart and decides to release a freeware version too, But its not going to be freeware; unless ofcourse the publisher has a change of heart and decides to release a freeware version too, albeit with some reduced functionality.

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